Sunday, October 19, 2014

Africa and Abandoned Theme Parks

What I saw was all different type of animals and what they are like in their habitat. What I read was that Nick went to Africa to take pictures of these of animals to see how they live, they way they live and what it's like. He  took pictures of all types of animals in the African Wildlife.

This is my favorite photo because I like the background, and I like how the ways it's taken how he angled it to make it look like that. I also like how the picture is black and white, it makes it more unique.
Rules of photography are lines, rule of thirds, simplicity.

He uses a Pentax 6711 with two fixed lenses, it makes his photos look unique and very well taken.
He takes these photos because he believes that the closer he is to rhe animal the better it shows what the animal is like.
His hope to open the viewers eyes about his the animals are being forced out of their habitats.

"The  photos are elegy to these beautiful creatures,to this wrenchingly world that is steadly, tragically vanishing before our eyes."

Abandoned Theme Parks

I would like to visit the Nara Dreamland, Nara, Japan. I would like to visit it because it sais they tried to make it like Disneyland, and I used to love going to Disneyland. I also would like to visit it because all the tied look really cool and they all look like really crazy rides and fun ones. I would also like visit because I think It would be a gray place to take pictures and see what's left of it.

1. Prison 2. Haunted Houses 3. Cemetery 4. Nursing Home 5. Gas Station

I would like to take pictures here because it's different and it's something you never here about. I think it would cool to see what life is like there and what people do everyday. I also would like to take pictures of stuff people haven't seen of or heard about in prison.
All I really need is bravery and confidence to take pictures at Prison. I honestly think I would be terrified taking pictures of prisoners because they would probably really scare me.

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